General information
- School Hours : From 9.00 am to 03.30 pm (From Monday to Friday)
- Office Hours : From 8.30 am to 04.00 pm (Lunch break: 12.05 to 12.45 pm)
School Regulations
- 1. Discipline: Every student of expected to be courteous in talk and behavior at all times. They must use polite expressions like "Thank You" "Excuse Me" "Sorry", "Please" etc. as and when necessary. Students are expected to get up from their seats when a teacher or visitor enters the class room or the place where they happened to be and stand erect while being spoken to. They must always remember to maintain the queue system as for example while waiting to board the bus.
- 2. Every students shall have with him/her the textbooks and note books required for the classes. No books, News papers, Periodicals etc. other than school books may be brought to school.
- 3. All assignments and projects shall be regularly completed and submitted as directed by the teachers.
- 4. Inattentiveness, indifference towards any subject, discourtesy towards any member of the staff or any act which affects the discipline of the school will be viewed Seriously.
- 5. Cleanliness of person and dress is expected from every student. The uniform must be clean, well pressed and complete at all times. Students coming to school in untidy school dress, unkept hair, improper footwear etc. will be denied admission to class.
- 6. Pupils are responsible for the safe custody of their books and belongings. The school is not responsible for goods lost. It is not advisable to bring valuable articles to school.
- 7. Any damage caused to school property or that of other pupils will have to be made good.
- 8. Pupils of one class / section are not allowed to be in any other class / section even during intervals.
- 9. In the absence of a teacher, the Monitor assumes the responsibility for order and discipline of the class.
- 10. When pupils are moving along corridors to another class room, they should keep to the left and walk in single line.
- 11. Running or shouting inside the school buildings or class room or playing in the classroom is not allowed.
- 12. Students are not allowed to bring razor blades or sharp instruments to school.
- 13. All are expected to speak English at all time, at school, in the school premises and in the school bus.
- 14. Every student is expected to take an active part in the cocurricular activities arranged by the school.
- 15. The management reserves the right to request parents to withdraw their wards from the school, if the behavior and / or conduct of the parent and / or ward goes against the discipline culture and ethos of the school / campus
To the Parents
Parents are requested to be in contact with the teachers regularly. At least once in a term they should meet the teachers in person, but on no account are they allowed to go to classroom and meet the teachers during working hours.
Reports of students, their conduct, punctuality, progress in studies, mark in the formative assessments and semester examinations are indicated from time to time. Parents are requested to take note of these reports, to duly sign them with date and to take necessary remedial action.
No parent should fail to attend the open house meeting after the formative assessments semester exams, the date of which will be duly communicated to the parents.